A Journey of Healing: Psychedelic Facilitator Training Programs

Jun 06, 2023
psychedelic facilitator training programs

It’s always been your nature to be caring, compassionate, and empathetic. You have a giving heart and a love for healing. You want to create a profession with your given talents, but 10+ years of education seems daunting.

Becoming a professional psychedelic facilitator could be the answer you’re looking for.

By enrolling in a non-medical psychedelic facilitator training program, you’ll become equipped with the skills, ethics, and tools to help clients on their journey of healing.

Learn how psychedelic facilitator training programs can teach you everything necessary to play a crucial role in supporting a safe and healthy psychedelic experience.


Table of Contents


What Is a Psychedelic Facilitator Training Program?

A psychedelic facilitator training program allows candidates to go through the necessary training to become skilled in helping assist in the use of psychedelics, like psilocybin — magic mushrooms.

While most states follow a medical model when it comes to psychedelic facilitator training programs, Oregon focuses on a non-medical model. This means that psilocybin users can decide for themselves if they want to or need to use psychedelics for mental health and healing. All they need is a qualified psychedelic facilitator. 

A medical model — what most other states follow — requires facilitators to have advanced training. This includes things like:

  • Social workers
  • Mental health therapists
  • A counseling degree
  • A higher education degree



What Are the Requirements To Participate in a Psychedelic Facilitator Training Program?

Because psychedelic facilitator training programs in Oregon do not follow a medical model, there are only some basic requirements that must be met to enter a psychedelic facilitator training program. 

Candidates must:

  • Have a high school degree or GED equivalent; and
  • Be 21 years old or older

To become licensed after completing the program, students must:

  • Graduate from the program
  • Pass a criminal background check
  • Pass a state exam


Who Is a Good Candidate for Psychedelic Facilitator Training?

First, you must meet the requirements to become a psychedelic facilitator. But if you do, you might be wondering if this is even the right job for you.

Becoming a psychedelic facilitator trainer is a great opportunity for people who have a natural draw to healing and helping. If you’re compassionate and empathetic, you’ll likely make a wonderful psychedelic facilitator. 

Even without 10+ years of education, this poses a great opportunity.

If you’re interested in psychedelic facilitator training programs in Oregon, the non-medical model is a unique approach that requires no higher education and is worth looking into.



What Makes Clinical Cognitive Training’s Psychedelic Facilitator Training Program Unique?

Clinical Cognitive Training’s facilitator program follows a non-medical model. You don’t need to be seeing a counselor, a therapist, or a mental health provider for anxiety, depression, or PTSD to be welcomed into our facility. That’s why our students aren’t required to have a higher education. We trust that people can use autonomy to decide to use magic mushrooms for their healing process. All they need is a qualified facilitator to do so.

At Clinical Cognitive Training, we strive to be the best psilocybin facilitator training center in Oregon. 

  1. We are respectful of different traditions and cultures.
  2. We embrace leading psychological support methods.
  3. We match clients with skilled, ethical, and compassionate facilitators.

We are also not a dispensary similar to what you use when purchasing cannabis. You’re not able to just walk in, buy mushrooms, and use them at home.

Our process works like this:

  1. Schedule a consultation/orientation with a facilitator.
  2. Wait 24 hours before coming back to obtain mushrooms – This time-lapse is very important to give clients the necessary time to mentally prepare for what they’re about to experience.
  3. Come back after 24 hours and use your psilocybin with your facilitator present.



Enrollment and Programs

Our psychedelic facilitator training programs include units covering:

  • Related psychedelics vocabulary
  • History and culture of psychedelics
  • Cultural and societal equity with psilocybin use
  • Psilocybin pharmacology
  • Neuroscience & current research
  • Psilocybin dosing and delivery options
  • Facilitation skills, including:
    • Trauma-informed care
    • Managing the client experience
    • End-of-life anxiety reduction with psilocybin
  • Education on:
    • Psilocybin client intake interview
    • Consent process
    • Medical history review process
    • Understanding confidentiality
    • Record keeping

To enroll, you must first complete an application and go through the interview process. You’ll choose a start date, determine your tuition funding, and pay a deposit to hold your spot.

Are you ready to get started with Clinical Cognitive Training to become a psychedelic facilitator trainer? Contact us today.



UpHold Our Troops

Clinical Cognitive Training also runs a non-profit organization, UpHold Our Troops, where we provide scholarship support to veterans, active military, and family members who are interested in becoming psilocybin facilitators. Our goal is to positively influence the mental health crisis in our military with the healing power of psilocybin.

We believe in the power of using psychedelic medicine to heal trauma and we want those who have served or are family members of those who serve to have a place to connect, heal, and continue serving.

To apply to UpHold Our Troops, you must:

  • Fill out a student application
  • Have proof that you’ve been an Oregon resident for at least two years
  • Have a high school diploma or GED
  • Go through a 30-minute interview
  • Choose a payment plan
  • Include a copy of your military ID
  • Include a DD214 form, if applicable


Once You Graduate from a Psychedelic Facilitator Training Program — What’s Next?

You’re interested in becoming a psychedelic facilitator, you find Clinical Cognitive Training, and you graduate from the program. Now, what do you do to utilize your certification?

At Clinical Cognitive Training, we foresee three possible employment models following graduation:

  1. Graduates work for a service center as psychedelic facilitators and work with clients who come in to use psilocybin. 
  2. Graduates work with therapists as a facilitator and aid clients on their journeys of using psilocybin but afterward are moved to the mental health therapist to unpack what they experienced.
  3. Graduates work with a private practice where they do initial meetings with clients and help them make appointments at service centers to use psilocybin with a facilitator.



Clinical Cognitive Training Offers Two Psychedelic Facilitator Training Programs To Meet Your Needs

If becoming a skilled, ethical, and caring professional psychedelic facilitator sounds appealing to you, Clinical Cognitive Training can help you learn to become a professional that supports clients through their journey of healing with psilocybin.

Whether clients are looking for spiritual exploration, healing from trauma, relief from depression and anxiety, or increased creativity, our two program options will equip students with everything necessary to become a professional psychedelic facilitators.


On-Campus 8-Week Program

This accelerated program is offered Monday through Thursday and provides 175 hours of training through Oregon’s required state curriculum plus more to ensure you’re fully prepared to help clients.

Follow these steps to apply to the on-campus 8-week program:

  1. Complete the enrollment application
  2. Email the application to [email protected]
  3. Wait to be contacted to schedule an interview
  4. Pay your $50 invoice that you’ll receive after the interview


Hybrid One-Year Program

This program is designed to go at your own pace and complete within one year through our online portal. The curriculum is the same as the 8-week program, just easier to tailor to your lifestyle. You’ll have weekly connections with educators and virtual group options with guest lectures. There is an onsite experiential practicum to complete at the end.

Follow these steps to apply to the hybrid one-year program:

  1. Complete the enrollment application
  2. Pay the $50 fee
  3. Wait to be contacted to schedule an interview

To get more information about either of our available programs, or to begin an application, head to our store page to get started.



The content in this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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